Emma on Dogger Stroller

Case Study: How the Dog Quality Dogger Stroller Changed My Senior Dog’s Life

Case Study: How the Dog Quality Dogger Stroller Changed My Senior Dog’s Life
Dog Quality Stroller

When my senior dogs started experiencing mobility issues, there were pet strollers on the market but I couldn’t find something that was comfortable, durable and handled all types of terrain. For me, it was crucial to have a dog stroller that worked equally as well whether I took one of my older dogs for a jog, on a hiking trail or simply around the block for a stroll. Just because a dog reaches an age where they can’t get around as well as they used to and they need to rest frequently, doesn’t mean they can’t stay active and continue to have adventures. In fact, in their senior years, it’s more important than ever that dogs go for walks and enjoy the outdoors since it gives them the exercise and stimulation they need to improve their health and avoid boredom and depression.

The Product

After searching and trying a variety of strollers with no luck, I created the Dog Quality Dogger Stroller and designed it with senior dogs in mind. It’s truly the most comfortable, sturdy ride and I knew other pet parents would love it as much as I do. We make the Dogger in Canada and carefully source all of its parts and assemble it in-house. This gives us complete control over the quality. Some of the features include:

  • Real rear suspension so you can roll over bumps, obstacles or cracks along your path with ease
  • A roomy basket big enough that it’s the perfect dog stroller for large dogs or more than one small dog
  • Mesh windows for maximum visibility
  • Basket positioning that gives pooches an amazing view ­– the basket sits higher than it does on most other dog strollers
  • A soft pad for your furry family member’s comfort (add the orthopedic pad to relieve even more pressure from your older dog’s joints)
  • A canopy that can be used in numerous positions and a removable rain cover
  • 12” air-filled tires and rear shocks for an exceptionally smooth ride
  • 360-degree maneuverability thanks to a front wheel that can swivel
  • Adjustable handle bars, a foot brake, underneath storage and an optional drink holder
  • LED safety lights (sold separately) to keep you and your dog visible at night
  • Collapsible so you can store it even in small spaces
  • An all-terrain, jogging stroller design to ensure dogs and humans can get exercise

Specialized assistance products like our dog jogging stroller can be life changing for pooches and their humans. They help your dog live their best life and allow you to enjoy your time together. One of the pet parents who has experienced the benefits of choosing the right products for their dog is Denise Burkett who has a 15.5-year-old toy poodle, Emma.

Emma’s Challenge

Denise, her husband and their senior pooch, Emma, live in Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada. Denise describes Emma as “very loved and spoiled” and as a “princess” and lap dog who loves being with them at all times. When Emma was very young, she started having problems with mobility. At the time, Denise and her husband were living on Vancouver Island and the hills posed a major challenge. They stopped taking Emma for walks because she had trouble walking and had pain in her left hip. She could only make it a few feet before wanting to be carried. Denise saw someone using a doggie stroller at an event for dogs and purchased a pink stroller for Emma at PetSmart. She admits she mainly bought it because it was pink but the doggie stroller wasn’t of good quality and they rarely used it. She ended up selling it at a garage sale. When they settled in Sherwood Park, Denise and her husband wanted to be able to take advantage of the beautiful walking trails. They researched dog strollers online and, shortly after, ordered the Dog Quality Dogger Stroller.

Emma on Dogger Stroller in the park

On the Trails Again

Denise says Emma took to her Dogger Stroller immediately. Their first walk in the Dogger was on a paved walking path by their house and since then, they’ve been using the stroller every chance they can get. Emma loves being up high and having a great view of the world. She walks for as long as she can and when Denise or her husband notice that Emma’s getting tired, they put her in the basket. Once she’s had a chance to rest in the Dogger Stroller, she’s anxious to get out to walk and sniff again. They repeat this for their hour-long walks. “Emma absolutely loves her Dogger,” says Denise. “When we’re getting ready for a walk, we have to spell the word ‘Dogger’ because she goes crazy. When we get outside, she can’t get into it fast enough. She knows that it is hers.”

Why the Dog Quality Dogger Stroller?

Denise has found the Dogger has the quality and features she needs to ensure Emma is safe, comfortable and able to enjoy walks again. Her favorite features of the dog stroller are the storage areas. She carries baby wipes and her own garbage bag in the lower basket. She also purchased the bottle holder for a water bottle and to house her keys, Emma’s leash and other necessities. Since Emma likes to stand right up on the edge of the basket, Denise and her husband are fans of the safety tether straps that keep Emma safe and make certain there’s no chance of her falling out. “The big tires are great for handling and steering, especially in the snow,” says Denise. “The canopy, if I need it to shade Emma, has been helpful too. We also enjoy the colour of the Dogger. My husband is not embarrassed to push it. It’s a manly Dogger!”

A Final Word from Denise

“My advice to other pet parents is, don’t be afraid to purchase a Dog Quality Dogger Stroller,” says Denise. “There is a stigma attached to putting your dog in a pet stroller. ‘I thought that dogs were supposed to walk,’ is a common thing people think. Once we explain to others the issues that Emma has, they think we’re wonderful pet parents for helping her the way that we do. The Dogger is definitely a head-turner. We get stopped every time we’re out for a walk and people ask us where we purchased it.” Do you want to give your senior or disabled dog the gift of mobility and help them get back out for walks like Emma? Shop the Dog Quality Dogger Stroller and see the difference it makes in both of your lives! Be sure to sign up for our newsletter as well to receive special promotions, helpful tips and informative articles that can help your fur baby live life to the fullest!

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