Keeping your Senior Dog Calm at the Vet

Keeping your Senior Dog Calm at the Vet

Going to the vet can cause anxiety in any dog, but it can be quite traumatic for your senior. Older dogs can become very used to routine and rely on it to comfort them; it can be quite a shock when you must take them to the vet’s office for an exam. However, there are some things you can do to help ease their anxiety at their next vet visit.

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6 Reasons We Love Senior Dogs

Many of life’s great pleasures get better with age. Wine, friendship… and dogs! With a senior dog, you don’t have to worry about potty training, ch...

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6 Tips for Managing Dementia in Senior Dogs

So you’ve noticed lately that your senior dog is acting unlike himself — showing alarming symptoms in older dogs such as disorientation, anxiety, a change in temperament. As dogs get older, it’s common that they change, but your dog might be going through more: suffering the onset of dog dementia. 

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