5 Creative Ways to Use a Pet Stroller
5 Creative Ways to Use a Pet Stroller
Who says pet strollers are just for walking?
Most people think of a pet stroller for its obvious use, giving your dog a ride (in particular senior dogs who need help walking), but thanks to some creative customers we have learned that there is so much more that you can do. Here are the top 5 'creative' uses for your pet stroller:

- Highchair - If your older dog is challenged with mobility issues you are very familiar with the dangers that lay all around them. Stairs, floors, obstacles, etc. can pose safety issues. At the same time, if your dog is like mine, they always like to be able to see you or be close to you, which is why using your pet stroller in a highchair-like fashion is so clever. Not only does it allow them better visibility of you and what you are doing which they love, but most importantly it keeps them safe. I have heard from customers who use this method to keep their dogs nearby and out of harm's way when working in basements and garages and some even use their pet stroller in family rooms as an extra chair for hanging out or watching TV.
- Walking support - I am hearing more and more from our older customers of the human variety who find certain pet strollers like the Dogger sturdy enough to act as a walking support for them, helping them get out and about with their dog. What I love about this is both dog and human are finding ways to overcome their mobility issues and stay active.
- Overheating - As dogs age, just as humans, their ability to cope with the heat diminishes. Even if your dog is not a senior, but struggles with the warmer temperatures, you know all about the risks and challenges of overheating. A pet stroller can give your heated dog a must needed break to cool off. In most cases, the soothing nature of the stroller helps them to relax long enough for them to bring down their body temperature. As many of you know, I use my Dogger dog stroller on a daily basis for my 15 year pug Mackenzie, but I find it to be a huge help in giving Paige, my 5 year old French Bulldog, a much needed break when walking. Paige overheats extremely easily even with an endless supply of water, so when she does, I place her in the stroller with Mackenzie for about 15 minutes, giving her enough time to cool off and then she is back to walking on her own. If I didn't have the Dogger, I would only be able to walk very short distances before having to return home with her.
- Paw protection - Have you ever tried to walk your dog when salt has been scattered across roads and sidewalks? How about the hot pavement during the summer months? Well a great way to help protect your dog's paws from these conditions is to place them in a pet stroller, at least until you have cleared these troublesome areas. While footwear can also help with this, some dogs refuse to accept anything on their paws, making a pet stroller a viable alternative.
- Shopping - Depending on the size of your pet stroller and the storage it allows, you may find taking it along while you pick up a few things very helpful. Perhaps you prefer to combine a walk with running errands? Rather than carrying a bunch of bags home you can use the stroller as a cart to help lighten your load.
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